Daugiabučių modernizavimo procese svarbus vaidmuo gyventojams

Patikslinus statybos techninį reglamentą (STR) „Statinio projektavimas“, nuo šiol senų daugiabučių gyventojai, nutarusieji renovuoti savo būstą, galės patys aktyviai dalyvauti rengiant ne tik namo modernizavimo investicijų planą, bet ir techninį darbo projektą – spręsti, ar jiems priimtinos projektuotojų siūlomos priemonės namui šiltinti, jo išvaizdai gražinti ir pan.

„Toks techninio darbo projekto „filtras“ pirmiausia naudingas būsto savininkams. Jeigu jiems netinka kokie nors projektuotojų sprendiniai, gali su jais nesutikti ar siūlyti kitokius, žinoma, pagrįsdami savo poziciją“, – sako ministras. 

Vienas svarbiausių šio STR pakeitimų – nuostata, kad daugiabučio atnaujinimo techninis darbo projektas negali būti tvirtinamas, prieš tai jo viešai neaptarus su butų ir kitų namo patalpų savininkais. Privalu atsižvelgti į jų pastabas bei pasiūlymus ir, jeigu reikia, po aptarimo projektą patikslinti ir tik tada tvirtinti nustatyta tvarka.

Be STR atitinkamai patikslintas ir Daugiabučio namo atnaujinimo (modernizavimo) investicijų plano rengimo tvarkos aprašas. Jame numatyta, kad investicijų planas yra sudėtinė pastato atnaujinimo projekto dalis. Todėl šiam planui taikomos Statybos įstatymo nuostatos, numatančios projektų rengimo reikalavimus, jų rengėjų pareigas ir atsakomybę.

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Westlake Loan
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Gaby Katherine
Imagine this: one morning as you get ready for the day, you discover that your valuable Bitcoins, which are worth $100,000, have mysteriously disappeared. Yes, you, my friend, are the unfortunate victim of what amounts to a modern-day digital theft. But don't worry—this tale unexpectedly takes a turn for the better, leading to healing and atonement. The initial shock of realizing your crypto fortune has been stolen can send shivers down the spine of even the most stoic investor. Panic sets in, followed by a frantic scramble to report the theft to the authorities. But alas, the bureaucratic red tape and the limitations of traditional investigative methods can leave you feeling more lost in the digital wilderness than ever before. A ray of hope emerged in the shape of HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS just when everything seemed hopeless. This expert crew saved the day, acting as though they were a computer wizard with a talent for solving intricate cyber puzzles. A ray of hope appeared in the otherwise hopeless world of cryptocurrency theft when the victim, by sheer happenstance, discovered HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS exclusive and customized services. With trepidation and a hint of skepticism, the victim embarked on a journey of recovery with HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS. The initial consultation felt like a breath of fresh air, as the team delved deep into the intricacies of the case with a level of expertise that inspired newfound confidence. Through open collaboration and unwavering transparency, HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS guided the victim through the recovery process, turning what seemed like a lost cause into a tale of triumph in the world of digital deception. In a plot twist worthy of a blockbuster movie, HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS swooped in and managed to reclaim the $100,000 that had disappeared into the murky depths of the internet. Cue the dramatic music and slow-motion high-fives. When the long-lost funds finally made their way back into the account, it was a moment of sweet victory and disbelief. With the money back where it rightfully belonged, the next step involved tightening security measures and perhaps treating oneself to a well-deserved celebratory dinner - because overcoming cyber villains deserves a toast. Through this rollercoaster of a saga, valuable lessons emerged like phoenixes from the ashes. Always stay vigilant, keep those virtual doors locked, and never underestimate the power of a trusty cyber-sleuth on your side. Consult HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS via below contact details. info @ hackathontechsolution . com or through WhatsApp +31 647 999 256

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